Sorrow Swag.

„Sorrow Swag“ in blue takes place in an immersive visual and auditory space. Using texts and images derived from mid 20th-century classical theater to interrogate race, authorship, gender, and grief, „ Swag“ produces an imaginative reformulation. Thinking through the blues, this work disrupts the canonical by means of a radical othering. For this work, Lewis developed a choreographic practice that incorporates Stanis- lavski’s acting techniques and the practice of authentic movement to attain an inten- se state of embodiment.

With musical accompaniment by Twin Shadow, she and the performer create a meticulously crafted hybrid body in a state of flux. While Samuel Beckett’s “Not I” and Jean Anouilh’s “Antigone” serve as the backbone to this work, the piece shifts from a state of flux to an “unrelenting scream,” —what Billie Whitelaw, the first literal mouth of “Not I” described as the core of her performance. Through this unstable figure the theater is transformed.

Ligia Lewis was awarded the Prix Jardin d’ Europe by Impulstanz (2015) for „Sorrow Swag“.

* Production: Ligia Lewis

* Supported by: Human Resources Los Angeles, ADA Studio Berlin and Pieter Space (Los Angeles)

* Funded by: Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe

Concept, choreography & artistic direction
Ligia Lewis

Martin Hansen (originally performed by Brian Getnick)

Musical Arrangement
George Lewis Jr. (aka Twin Shadow)

Light design
Ligia Lewis

Technical direction
Joseph Wegmann

Sound technician
Neda Sanai

Management, production & distribution
Godlive Lawani–Stane Performing Arts Management

Photo 1 by Martha Glenn. Photos 2 & 3 by Dieter Hartwig

Sorrow Swag | Photo by Martha Glenn
Sorrow Swag | Photo by Dieter Hartwig
Sorrow Swag | Photo by Dieter Hartwig
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